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    jessica ausinheiler

    Dr. Clyde,

    Huge fan of your nutrition marathon at UCSF. I recently read Gary Taube's book Why We Get Fat and wanted to get your thoughts on his weight loss recommendation: eating <20g per day of carbs minus fiber, and as much fat and protein as you'd like.

    Can I really eat as much fat as I want and not get fat? If so, where would the fat I eat go if it isn't entering my fat cells? Am I just misinterpreting his recommendations?

    Looking forward to your response,


    Robb W

    Dr. CLyde,

    What is your take on green coffee bean extract. I see it appears to help with boosting your body's fat burning abilities, but does it work, or is it hype?

    Kieran Gallagher

    Dr. Clyde,
    Could you explain the science behind why the Atkins diet is unhealthy or ineffective? Also, what is your opinion in vegetarianism?


    Hi Dr. Clyde,
    I have read about the benefits of chia seeds online, and how they form a thick gel when added to foods, slow digestion, and slow the absorption of carbs into the blood stream, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Is this something you have looked into before? Seems like something that could be easily added to yogurt, shakes, and the like. Could you comment on its effectiveness in relation to your dietary guidelines.



    Dr. Clyde,
    Could you comment on the Times magazine recent article on "Why Exercise Won't Make you Thin"? (Aug 9, 2009) So much of the article stems from the nutrition side of weight loss.


    Dr. Clyde - would you comment on accounting for alcohol (wine or beer really) in our daily intake? Specifically, what nutritional value is provided by regular / lite beer (if any) and what level of weekly consumption is healthy, assuming we are not pregnant etc.



    ANSWER: JR, Grass fed beef is lower in total fat, has half the amount trans fat, twice as much conjugated linoleic acid, and two to ten times as much omega-3 fats [Rule DC et al. J Anim Sci 80 2002 1202, Ponnampalam EN et al. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 15 2006 1]. Buffalo, the free-range equivalent of grass fed cattle, have very healthy fat profiles; equivalent to wild game. On the opposite side of the spectrum are animals kept in dense populations, eating grains and with low activity levels, which is as bad for them as it would be for us. Even worse, for over a year now, cows supplying meat and dairy into the human food chain can be legally cloned with no labeling requirements, meaning we don't even know that we are eating cloned food.

    QUESTION: Dr. Clyde, Do you have a view on the way the treatment of the animal affects the meat it provides?

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