Hello Dr. Wilson - I have attended several of your talks at UCSF, and enjoyed them very much...Thank you so much for your response [to my questions], and for your lectures. They are wonderful, and have helped me lose 15-20 lbs off my normal weight (that i oscillate around). Best, andrea
Clyde: It was great to see you again at Sports Basement. You are a great speaker!!! I realized I had missed some concepts in the 3 hour lecture that I attended previously. Sorry I could not stay longer at the end. Andrew
Dear Dr. Wilson: Thanks so much for answering my questions and being supportive of us "ample" people! Felt more comfortable at the gym this morning, thanks to your good words. Thanks, too, for sending greetings to my grandson who loves being at, and running for, Stanford... you have affected his life, making it even better. Warmest personal regards. Hallett